

 21-26/8: Thematic session arranged and paper presented by Christian F. Niordson at International Conference on Theorretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM), Montreal, Canada
  5-8/9: Paper presented by Konstantinos Poulios at 37th Risø International Symposium on Materials Science, Roskilde, Denmark.


 4-9/1: International Symposium on Plasticity 2015 - Montego Bay, Jamaica 
 16-18/3: Paper presented by Salim A. El-Naaman at DCAMM Symposium in Horsens
 18-21/5: Paper presented by Christopher Nellemann at 15th Pan-American Congress of Applied Mechanics - PACAM XV: , Champaign, Illinois, United States.
 6-10/7: Papers presented by Christopher Nellemann and Konstantinos Poulios at 9th European Solid Mechanics Conference - ESMC 2015, Madrid, Spain.
 19-24/7      Paper presented by Konstantinos Poulios at 20th International Conference on Composite Materials,  Copenhagen, Denmark.          
 1-3/9: Paper presented at COMPLAS XXIII in Barcelona, Spain, by Salim A. El-Naaman and Konstantinos Poulios. 
Keynote lecture presented by Christian  F. Niordson, at EUROMECH colloquiem "Multiscale Analysis of the Impact of Microstructure on Plasticity and Fracture in Interface-dominated Materials", Houffalize, Belgium.
 26-28/10: Minisymposium co-arranged and paper presented by Christian F. Niordson, Society of Engineering Science - 52nd Annual Technical Meeting, Texas A&M University,


 20/1-14/2: Special course on "Steady State Numerical Analysis in Solid Mechanics" by Kristian Jørgensen Juul.
23/4: The lecture "Modeling strain gradient plasticity" was presented by Christian F. Niordson, 2014, in honour of Norman A. Fleck's Honerary Doctor Degree at TU Eindhoven, Netherlands. 
 4/6: Participation and presentation at Danish Metallurgical Society (DMS) symposium 2014 - Risø by Salim El-Naaman
 9-13/6: Paper presented by Christian F. Niordson at IUTAM Sympsium on Micromechanics of Defects in Solids, Sevilla, Spain.


Paper presented by Christopher Nellemann at 14th European Mechanics of Materials Conference - EMMC14, Gothenburg, Sweden.

 19/9: Special course on "Strain Gradient Plasticity" by John W. Hutchinson: First lecture
7/11: Special course on "Strain Gradient Plasticity" by John W. Hutchinson: Second lecture.
21/11: Special course on "Strain Gradient Plasticity" by John W. Hutchinson. Third lecture.


 1-3/1: Paper presented by Salim El-Naaman at International symposium on Plasticity & its Current Applications.
 3/1-9/1: Papers presented at International Symposium on Plasticity & Its Current Applications by Christian F. Niordson.
 4/2: Special course on "Analysis of tyre crack growth in rotary kiln" started by Kristine Munk Jespersen.
 4/2: Master Thesis project on "Analysis of Ductile Tearing in Thin Sheets" started by Jesper Kryger Strøm Pedersen.
 8/2: Plasticity Workshop on Higher Order Theories (Salim A. El-Naaman and Christian F. Niordson present).
22/2: Plasticity Workshop on Higher Order Theories (Kim L. Nielsen presents).
 1/3: Plasticity Workshop on Higher Order Theories (Christopher Nellemann presents).
 8/3: Plasticity Workshop on Higher Order Theories (Salim A. El-Namaan and Grethe Winther present).          
13/3-15/3: Papers presented by Kim L. Nielsen and Christoper Nellemann at DCAMM Symposium in Nyborg (parcipation by Christian F. Niordson, Kim L. Nielsen, Salim A. El-Naaman and Christopher Nellemann).
1/4: Kim L. Nielsen is congratulated on his position as assistant professor at Technical University of Denmark.
1/4: Research visit at Columbia University by Kim L. Nielsen (4 months).
1/4: Research visit at Columbia University by Christopher Nellemann (6 months).
5/6-7/6: Viggo Tvergaard Symposium: New Horizons in Solid Mechanics (participation by Christian F. Niordson, Kim L. Nielsen, Salim A. El-Naaman and Jeffrey W. Kysar).
1/7: Research visit at Columbia University by Salim A. El-Naaman (8 months).
15/7: Special course on "Numerical modeling of Indentation" by Nicolai Ytterdal Juul.
 2/9: Master Thesis Project on "Fatigue crack growth in rotary kiln tyre" started by Kristine Munk Jespersen.
 3/9-5/9: Papers presented at COMPLAS XII, Barcelona by Christian F. Niordson and Kim L. Nielsen. Invited session on "Material Size-effects in Plasticity" organized by Viggo Tvergaard and Christian F. Niordson.
11/9:  Master Thesis defense on "Analysis of Ductile Tearing in Thin Sheets" by Jesper Kryger Strøm Pedersen.
 9/10: Master Thesis Project on "Numerical and Experimental Analysis Indentation" started by Nicolai Ytterdal Juul.
31/10: Plasticity Workshop in relation to the visit at DTU by Jim R. Rice (Ørsted Lecturer, 2013).
 11/11: Research visit at Columbia University by Christian F. Niordson (1 month).


 1/1: Project start for PI Christian F. Niordson and postdoc Kim L. Nielsen.
16/1: Master Thesis project on "Modelling of Metallic Materials during fast Deformation" started by Fanny Pages.
 1/2: Master Thesis project on "Fracture Modeling using the eXtended Finite Element Method" started by Christopher Nellemann.
 12/4: Master Thesis defence: "Ductile Crack Growth in Thin Plates" by Salim A. El-Naaman.
9/7-13/7: Paper at ESMC in Graz, Austria by Kim L. Nielsen.
19/8-24/8: Pre-nominated session co-arranged by Christian F. Niordson and papers presented by Christian F. Niordson and Kim L. Nielsen at International conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM), 2012, Beijing, China.
 1/9:  Salim A. El-Naaman started his PhD studies under the title "Micro-structural evolution and size-effects in single crystals"
 1/9: Christopher Nellemann started his PhD studies under the title "Higher order continuum modeling of micro-structural evolution in plastically deformed metals".
 1/9: Master Thesis course on "Investigation of Crack Growth Phenomena in Thin Sheets", started by Kimberly Faull, Linda McLean and Max Adler.
 4/9: Plasticity Workshop on Higher Order Theories (John W. Hutchinson presents).
 6/9: Plasticity Workshop on Higher Order Theories (John W. Hutchinson presents).
11/9: Master Thesis defense on "Fracture Modeling using the eXtended Finite Element Method" by Christopher Nellemann.
21/9: Plasticity Workshop on Higher Order Theories (Kim L. Nielsen and Christian F. Niordson present).
24/9:  Academic Leadership Symposium in Videnskabernes Selskab: Christian F. Niordson attends.
28/9: Plasticity Workshop on Higher Order Theories (Christian F. Niordson and John W. Hutchinson presens).
8/10-12/10: Visit by Professor Wenjin Meng from Louisiana State University, USA.
 5/11: Two seminars on micron scale plasticity given at University of Brescia in Italy (Christian F. Niordson).